Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ramblings of a Birthday Girl

As a child, I would count down to the day with cake and presents. As a teenager, each passing birthday meant I somehow became older, wiser, and had more freedom. As a young adult, I still had a special year to look forward to. 26. Twenty-six marked my 'golden birthday'- the year I turned the same age as my birth date. After that birthday -in my mind- I remained 26. Well, that was six years ago and even though a cake today would parade 32 candles, (and mind you, there is NO cake!) inside I'm still 26. It's almost a shocking feeling to realize over and over again that I'm not that younger number but instead, I'm actually aging.

One thing hasn't changed through my Birthday years...
The happy feeling I get when I open my mailbox to find a card from my Grandma Lemar. Every year, I immediately recognize the card from her by her beautiful handwriting.
I smile big and feel her love radiating from the ink.

One thing that has changed is my sweet thoughtful gifts from my kids...
They give what they create or what they have but it is always from the heart. Here are some more treasures to add to my collection from their thoughtfulness today.
These small trinkets fill my heart.

As for today, God gave me a little "Happy Birthday" from His word.
When reading in Psalm 139, verse 17 stood out to me:

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God.
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand.

Since I am not making a wish on a fire hazard of a cake, I will send up a birthday prayer. A prayer to grow stronger in my weaknesses, more attentive to my family, and to show more love to everyone.  

Happy Birthday, 26+6!

Smile :) donnamusing

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