Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Faith of a Child

We started homeschool at our house this week. I know it's a little early but we have to start early because Fridays are our fun days! If we get all of our work done Monday through Thursday, then we all can have a three-day weekend every week. Okay, on to the reason for my blog entry today. On Sunday, after church, I asked my daughter to help me write their verse on our little chalkboard. We plan to use the same verse they are learning at church, along with the materials sent home from church as part of our weekly Bible curriculum. Currently, the kids are learning about God's grace and here is their memory verse. Ephesians 2:8- For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. 

After Lora wrote it on the board, I asked her, "What does this verse mean to you?" She replied, "God gave us the gift of Jesus so we can have him in our heart and go to heaven."

Such precious moments.

We talked about it for a while and then she said that she wanted to ask Jesus in her heart. She prayed the sweetest heartfelt prayer. It wasn't a repeat after me prayer. It was raw, genuine, tender.

The first thing she did was run upstairs and tell her daddy. She is becoming a bit of a daddy's girl. Especially since they have daddy/daughter/iPad time together. ;)

Then, I asked her did she want to write what she did and the date in her Bible. Of course, she did. Again, these are her own words. I only stood by to help with spelling.

I pray her heart remains tender, compassionate, and merciful all the days of her life. And may her days be blessed abundantly.

In case you can't read the photo, it says:
August 5, 2012
Today, I asked God into my heart forever and I will never turn my back on Him. For He is my Savior and He is worth more than gold or anything else. ~Lora

She is such a delightful child, when she wrote "Savior"- she said, I wrote it with a big "S" because I think that's like God's middle name.

How blessed I am to be her mommy!

Smile :) donnamusing

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