Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Your Next Good Read...

In our techno age, there are so many resources for finding a good book. So my question is, how do you find your next good read?

Our local library has its entire catalog online. You can even choose to hold a book for pick-up or load one on your e-reader, all in your jammies, day or night.

Do you still love to scour the shelves of your local book store, feeling the book, checking out the cover, maybe even opening it for a quick sniff? This method will never grow old to me, especially, if I'm traipsing through the aisles with a frappuccino in my hand.

Do you have a kindle, nook, or other e-reader? Does it offer you suggestions? Do you miss flipping the pages of a paper novel?

Do you check out the NY Times Bestseller list? If so, do you find this an effective tool?

Do you wait until it becomes a movie? I must admit that I have done this on occasion. I mean, if it was good enough to make it to the silver screen, then it should be a good read. But I only like to watch the movie after I've read the book. Doing it the other way just feels wrong.

Do you scroll through Amazon's book reviews? (I have found many spoilers this way so tread with caution. Thank you to those who have enough common sense to actually write the words, "Spoiler Alert" at the top of their reviews.)

Speaking of spoilers... I've found many people who post spoilers right in their Facebook statuses. The worst was, "I can't believe they killed ________!" I won't ruin it for you by filling in the blank!

How has technology changed your reading habits? Do you find you read more or less?

And by the way, what was the last good book you read?

Smile :) donnamusing

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