Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Who doesn't love to curl up with a good book and nice hot cup of tea? Or disappear into another world while falling asleep?

I certainly do.
Although, I've learned that falling asleep while reading a traditional book is slightly less painful than with my kindle. Ouch.

Recently, thanks to the fortuitous happenstance of google, I have found my way to Nathan Bransford's blog. It's all his fault that I learned the painful lesson of kindle to chin...

Without further ado, I must point you to his blog today. I love "thank you" projects and here is a new one that I'm looking forward to taking part in. It's the #ThankAWriter project!

Here is the link to his blog where you can find all of the details:
#ThankAWriter Project

I may have to thank an English teacher, as well.

Go grab a pen and get to it! It's good to be thankful!

Smile :) donnamusing

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton

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