Thursday, July 18, 2013


Today, my husband along with eleven others, left our small hometown for Gulu, Uganda. This is his first time overseas and his first foreign mission assignment.

He didn't take the call to go lightly. For anyone who knows my home-loving hubby, this is completely outside of his comfort zone. With layovers included, the team will span 42 hours between getting out of bed this morning and resting in Kampala before another 7 hour drive to Gulu. His head will surely meet an airport floor at some point. Not quite as comfortable as our tempur-pedic bed, but at least he has a neck pillow.

Typhoid, Yellow Fever, and Malaria! Oh my! Those are just three of the dangers he is walking into, although, he has prepared with medication and shots against them. He must continue the stomach-upsetting malaria meds four weeks after returning home. Not to mention, he made copies of his yellow fever immunization card because, well, without it, the US will not let him come home.

Our church has lovingly assisted Pugwini village. Last year, a group went to build a piggery for them, providing food and work for the people. Another team went this past May and now, the July team. This group is building a safe house for girls exploited by the war.

I must mention that it is the resources of many that have allowed this work to go forth. People who care about other people that they will never meet. My heart melts at the kindness shown and sent over to a hurt people, looking for hope.

My husband has already started posting updates and I was slightly taken aback by a comment that one of his friends posted. Basically, she said, good for you but what about the people needing help and support in the US?

I do believe that "charity starts at home" but I do not believe that is where it ends.

Part of me wanted to ask, So, what are you doing at home or abroad? I quenched my cynicism.

We have taken part in many home-front opportunities to serve others over the years and at thirty-eight years of age, my husband is just now taking this giant leap of faith to go beyond our borders.

One of my favorite local ministries is Mosaic- a ministry for foster children. Just one of the ways Mosaic blesses children in our local community is providing  "Welcome Bags" to agencies to give out to children when they come into foster care. Our children are all adopted from foster care and we know that when they come into care, it is all too often with only the clothes on their back (sometimes, not even that).

In the end, we are all called to serve others in one way or another and if we were all doing our part (myself, included) what a different world we would live in!
I think about the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 which includes the words, "all nations" and Acts 1:8 that says, "...into Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the Earth."

For those that Jesus was speaking to, that includes the local area, region, country, and the ends of the Earth or as stated in Matthew, all nations.
So for us, it might sound something like, Heart of Virginia, Eastern United States, North America, and all other nations of the Earth.

Whether you serve soup at a homeless shelter, pay for the person behind you at a cafe, adopt an elderly person to buy groceries for, foster hurting children, or assist those whose homes have been destroyed by a natural disaster. Whether you serve near or far, or everything in between. Whether you bless one life or millions. Go Serve! Go Bless! GO CHANGE THE WORLD!

Smile :) donnamusing

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